Speech & occupational therapy offered
Phone: (214).494.4677
Speech & occupational therapy offered
Sensory Processing Disorders- difficulty responding appropriately to different sensory experiences (touch, taste, smell, sounds, body awareness, and movement) which interferes with the ability to perform daily activities
Emotional Regulation Issues- difficulty handling frustration, changes in plans/expectations, irritable, harder to parent than most children
Social skills Deficits- having difficulty with social situations interacting and with playing appropriately; difficulty maintaining friendships
Gross Motor delays- difficulty with balance or locomotive motor skills using the whole body (jumping, standing on one foot, or moving through the environment)
Fine Motor Delays- difficulty with handwriting or cutting skills, using a pincer grasp to pick up objects and using the skilled side of hand or a tripod grasp, and buttoning buttons on a shirt
Decreased Strength- difficulty performing age appropriate weight bearing movements (crab position or wheelbarrow walk) and holding body positions against gravity (superman)
Bilateral Coordination Deficits- difficulty using both hands together to perform a task (tying shoes, catching a ball, or performing jumping jacks)
Motor Planning Deficits- difficulty initiating or completing tasks such as doing a puzzle or playing on a jungle gym or pumping a swing
Decreased Range of Motion- limits in moving the head, neck, body, or limbs
Self-care Delays- difficulty performing dressing, grooming, tooth brushing, and self-feeding skills
Oral Motor Deficits- difficulty with the coordination and/or strength of the lips, tongue, and cheeks needed for chewing and swallowing.
Feeding Difficulties- difficulty with tolerance to and the intake of a variety of textures and tastes of foods. Feeding difficulties can negatively impact a child’s nutrition and growth.
Visual Perceptual Disorders- difficulty organizing visual information from the environment to perform a task (putting a puzzle together and reading)
Learning challenges- difficulty with reading and writing, including the motor and/or cognitive component of writing
Cognitive skills Deficits- difficulty with tasks such as paying attention, following instructions, problem solving, and organization.
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